C/C++ ===== 1. variable and data type -- > (signed/unsigned)int,(signed/unsigned)long long int, float, double 2. Operator and expression(statement) --> arithmetic, logical, bitwise, ternary operator 3. conditional statement --> if else, if else if .... else, switch 4. Loops (for, while, do while) , break and continue 5. Array 6. pointer 7. function (user define and library function)/Recursive function - Function name, arguments/parameter, return type. - Flow of Function execution - The scope of variables, memory management(Stack memory Heap memory), - dynamic memory allocation(1d array, 2d array) - Call By Value & Reference - Recursion - relation between Array and pointer(pointer arithmetic) - string *. Random number *. File operation *. Structure *. OOP 10. procedural program to OOP 8. Data Structure --> Loops (for, while, do while) , break and continue --> Array --> pointer --> Function --> Structure ================== --> Stack uisng array --> Stack using linked list --> Stack (array,linked list) procedural and OOP --> Queue uisng array --> Queue using linked list --> Queue (array,linked list) procedural and OOP --> Priority Queue(MaxHeap and MinHeap) --> Tree Algorithm =============== 9. algorithm and Asymptotic Notation, and Time and Space complexity Analysis. 10. Searching & Sorting and Complexity --> linear search, bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort --> Recursive Function --> Recurrences, Repeated (backward) substitution method, Substitution method, Recursion-trees, and Master theorem. Complexity and Recurrences of binary search, merge sort, quick sort. 11. Greedy strategy --> fractional knapsack problem --> coin change problem --> activity selection problem --> task scheduling problem 12. Dynamic Programming --> Fibonacci problem --> 0-1 Knapsack problem --> Matrix Chain Multiplication Problem --> Longest Common Subsequence Problem 13. Graphs representation --> Adjacency List --> Adjacency matrix 14. Graph algorithm and complexity --> Depth-first Search, Breadth-first Search --> Topological Sort, Strongly Connected Component --> Greedy Graph Algorithm: Minimum Spanning Tree, Prim-Jarnik Algorithm, and Kruskal's Algorithm --> Single Source Shortest Path - Dijkstra's Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm --> All Pair Shortest Path Floyd-Warshall Algorithm